Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area Trailhead

Emery Road & Brisco Mountain Road
Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328
Phone: 570-828-2319
Region: Pocono Mountains

The Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) is the perfect place for learning, exploring, getting away, and connecting. The study of nature and natural systems is our focus at PEEC. A quarter of a million acres of public lands, including the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area and numerous state parks, forests, and game lands, offers a world of opportunities for everyone to explore all year long. PEEC offers 6 public hiking trails that vary in distance and difficulty. All trails are loops that begin and end on the PEEC campus. Additionally, there are many public programs offered year round. Programs include guided hikes; photography, birding and quilting weekends; family nature getaway weekends and more.

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