Fort Ligonier

200 S. Market St
Ligonier, PA 15658
Phone: 724-238-9701
Region: Laurel Highlands

The story of the French and Indian War and the history of Fort Ligonier is told through the remarkable museum exhibits and the fortification, meticulously reconstructed and restored on its original historic site. While touring the museum galleries, visitors discover Fort Ligonier's extensive archeological collections and original paintings by noted 18th century artists. A rare, original Redcoat uniform is one of many objects on exhibit in "The World Ablaze: An Introduction to the Seven Years' War" and the spectacular Washington pistols - a gift to our first President by the Marquis de Lafayette, are not to be missed! Step into history and explore the fort, its buildings - including a blacksmith's shop and officers and surgeon's quarters, as well as the artillery park with cannons, carts and wagons.

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