Colebrookdale Railroad

101 East Third Avenue
Boyertown, PA 19512
Phone: 610-367-0200
Region: Dutch Country Roads

Lost in the deep woods sheltering the Manatawny and Ironstone Creeks is a mythical secret valley. Though today only white-tailed deer, great blue heron, and bald eagles know the beauty of this legendary land, it was once the province of pioneers and patriots. Their stories can be heard in the soft winds whispering through the tall trees and towering trestles of the Colebrookdale Railroad - a magical, forgotten railway to the heart of this Secret Valley. The "Secret Valley Line" is your ticket to a place and time when iron rails connected a divided people and the heart of the nation. Completed by soldiers home from the Civil War just four months after the Transcontinental Railroad united the East and West, the Colebrookdale is a record of epic engineering and heroic human drama. Eight-point-six miles long and a century-and-a-half back in time, the Secret Valley Line beckons you to experience for yourself the unexpected treasures of Southeastern Pennsylvania.

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